Friday, July 10, 2015

Thing 2: Why I am a Librarian

It's an interesting thing to me that I've ended up here, as a librarian in a public library.

My original plan was to race through the MIS and get a cozy job in an academic library which would fund me getting back to my first love; a history dissertation on ancient magical incantation bowls :)

Getting hot glue all over my fingers from making sock puppets, reading about badly behaving farm animals  and singing "Five woolly sheep" to a bunch of eager preschoolers is about as far removed from that first love as you can get.

But I love this! Having the public library in the little town we currently live in just down the road, well, it made sense to apply for a job there.

So I guess I am a librarian because I needed a job that suited my academic pursuits. But I am a public librarian because I like people and I like libraries. I'm really happy about bringing value to people's lives through the community building potential of the public library. I like the non-institutional education that goes on. I love seeing the peer-to-peer learning. I like to facilitate knowledge creation. It all comes naturally to me, and it just fits.

I'll get back to those incantation bowls at some stage down the track! 


  1. Hi

    It's great to read that you love your job! Not everyone can say that.

    The Rudai23 Team
